Checks legitimacy of credit card
numero = 293[validcard accountNum=cardNumber&card=VISA+MC]
Parameter | Description |
accountNum | (Required) The credit card number. Any extra spaces or non-numeric characters will be ignored. |
card | (Optional) Set card to the names of the credit cards that are allowed, separated by space or +. Possible values are ALL, IGNORE, VISA, MC, AMEX, DISC, JCB, DINER. If not specified, then ALL cards are allowed. IGNORE tells it to always pass the card regardless of its checksum. |
[validcard accountNum=cardNumber&card=VISA+MC]
Parameter | Description |
accountNum | (Required) The credit card number. Any extra spaces or non-numeric characters will be ignored. |
card | (Optional) Set card to the names of the credit cards that are allowed, separated by space or +. Possible values are ALL, IGNORE, VISA, MC, AMEX, DISC, JCB, DINER. If not specified, then ALL cards are allowed. IGNORE tells it to always pass the card regardless of its checksum. |
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