Changes text from URL-compatible characters to plain text.
numero = 271[unurl]Filename%20with%20spaces.gif[/unurl]In the example above, the displayed text will beFilename with spaces.gif
By default, the [unurl] context will not convert hex codes that contain lowercase letters. So, %3A will be converted to a colon while %3a will not. You can use the 'ignorecase' parameter to force the [unurl] context to convert hex codes containing lowercase letters. So [unurl ignorecase =T]%3a[/unurl] will convert %3a to a colon.
This context is rarely needed, because most of the time WebDNA has already converted the text (in URL parameters, for instance) back to plain text. If you plan to store text with embedded unusual characters such as tabs or carriage returns into a field of a database, you might use [url] to store them and [unurl] to retrieve them. [unurl]Any URL Text[/unurl][unurl]Filename%20with%20spaces.gif[/unurl]
By default, the [unurl] context will not convert hex codes that contain lowercase letters. So, %3A will be converted to a colon while %3a will not. You can use the 'ignorecase' parameter to force the [unurl] context to convert hex codes containing lowercase letters. So [unurl ignorecase =T]%3a[/unurl] will convert %3a to a colon.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) README for Machine Image ID...
WebDNA LibrariesA list of available libraries for WebDNA...
[biotype]BioType is a behavioral biometrics WebDNA function based on ADGS research and development (from version 8...
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Tips and TricksA list of user-submitted tips ...
F.A.QA compilation of some user's questions...
[deletefile]Deleting a file from your website...
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