Re: case sensitivity in lookups

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numero = 15769
interpreted = N
texte = >I've discovered in testing that if the TaxRates.db has the State field >entries as VA then a person who is lazy and enters as va, or a person >who is old-school and enters as Va is treated as notFound. It appears >that the lookup is case sensitive.You might try using [UpperCase] to change the user-entered text to uppercase inside the lookup:[Lookup db=xx.db&value=[Uppercase][ShipToState][/Uppercase]....]Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | ==== eCommerce for the Rest of Us ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: case sensitivity in lookups (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: case sensitivity in lookups (John Hill 1997)
  3. case sensitivity in lookups (Jim Turney 1997)
  4. Re: case sensitivity in lookups (Kenneth Grome 1997)
>I've discovered in testing that if the TaxRates.db has the State field >entries as VA then a person who is lazy and enters as va, or a person >who is old-school and enters as Va is treated as notFound. It appears >that the lookup is case sensitive.You might try using [uppercase] to change the user-entered text to uppercase inside the lookup:[Lookup db=xx.db&value=[uppercase][ShipToState][/Uppercase]....]Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | ==== eCommerce for the Rest of Us ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Grant Hulbert


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