Technical References - [setmimeheader]

Causes WebDNA to add a new MIME header to the outgoing HTML

numero = 229
interpreted = N
texte = Putting a [setmimeheader] tag into a template causes WebDNA to add a new MIME header to the outgoing HTML text for that page. MIME headers are normally used to create redirect requests and cookies. WebDNA already has special tags for generating redirects and cookies, but in the future you may need to create MIME headers for other purposes.
[setmimeheader name=headerName&value=headerValue]
[setmimeheader name=Content-Type&value=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1]
Putting a [setmimeheader] tag into a template causes WebDNA to add a new MIME header to the outgoing HTML text for that page. MIME headers are normally used to create redirect requests and cookies. WebDNA already has special tags for generating redirects and cookies, but in the future you may need to create MIME headers for other purposes.

[setmimeheader name=headerName&value=headerValue]

[setmimeheader name=Content-Type&value=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1]


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