Technical References - [copyfolder]

Copy a folder and all its contenton your webspace

numero = 189
interpreted = N
texte = [copyfolder from=path&to=path] Putting [copyfolder from=fredFolder&to=wilmaFolder] in your template immediately copies the folder called "fredFolder" to another folder called "wilmaFolder." The original folder remains where it is currently. [CopyFolder], will overwrite an existing folder of the same name already on the disk, and all the files within; so use with caution. See also [writefile], [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [movefile], [deletefile] and [deletefolder] [copyfolder from=path&to=path]

Putting [copyfolder from=fredFolder&to=wilmaFolder] in your template immediately copies the folder called "fredFolder" to another folder called "wilmaFolder." The original folder remains where it is currently. [copyfolder], will overwrite an existing folder of the same name already on the disk, and all the files within; so use with caution.

See also [writefile], [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [movefile], [deletefile] and [deletefolder]


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