Technical References - [deletefolder]

Deletes a folder from your website

numero = 191
interpreted = N
texte = Putting
[deletefolder path=StarShip]
in your template immediately deletes the folder called "StarShip" in the same folder as the template. Paths are relative to the template, so "somefolder/StarShip" deletes the folder down a level from the template inside a folder called "somefolder," while "../StarShip" deletes the folder inside the folder one level up from the template.

All files inside the folder are deleted, and all subfolders are deleted, as though you had dragged the folder to the trashcan and emptied it immediately. This operation is not undoable!

See also [writefile], [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [copyfolder], [movefile] and [deletefile] Putting
[deletefolder path=StarShip]

in your template immediately deletes the folder called "StarShip" in the same folder as the template. Paths are relative to the template, so "somefolder/StarShip" deletes the folder down a level from the template inside a folder called "somefolder," while "../StarShip" deletes the folder inside the folder one level up from the template.

All files inside the folder are deleted, and all subfolders are deleted, as though you had dragged the folder to the trashcan and emptied it immediately. This operation is not undoable!

See also [writefile], [appendfile], [createfolder], [copyfile], [copyfolder], [movefile] and [deletefile]


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