Explicitly identify what text is returned from a function call
numero = 237The [return] context is optional and can only be used from within the [function] context. The [return] context does NOT 'break out' of a function call, so it is possible to use one or more [return] contexts to 'tailor' the functions output.
Example without [return]Below is a simple function that does not include a [return] context. This function simply adds the first ten positive numbers. We will execute the function, then wrap the execution in [url][/url] tags to 'reveal' the extra white space that can accumulate from a function call (much as it would when using the WebDNA [include] tag.) Here is the code:[function name=add_em_up][text]result=0[/text][loop start=1&end=10][text]result=[math][result]+[index][/math][/text][/loop][result][/function]Executing the function, we get: " 55 " (note the extra spaces)Now, lets 'wrap' the function result with the [url] context to uncover the 'extra' stuff we accumulated a result of the function call. Here is the result:"%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A55%0D%0A"Note all the extra white space, in this case, carriage returns and line feeds.The 'old' SolutionOne way that WebDNA programmers have dealt with unwanted return characters, is to wrap line-endings, or other unwanted white space, with WebDNA comments, i.e. [!]...[/!]. So the function definition on the previous page would look like...
[function name=add_em_up][!][/!][text]result=0[/text][!][/!][loop start=1&end=10][!][/!][text]result=[math][result]+[index][/math][/text][!][/!][/loop][!][/!][result][!][/!][/function]Executing the above function, and wrapping the result with URL tags, we get: "55" The extra 'garbage' is gone, but using all those [!][/!] pairs is cumbersome, and does add some extra parsing overhead. A Better SolutionThe [return] context can now be used to target exactly what we want the function to return. So our example function now looks like...
[function name=add_em_up][text]result=0[/text][loop start=1&end=10][text]result=[math][result]+[index][/math][/text][/loop][return][result][/return][/function]"[url][add_em_up][/url]"Executing the above code, we get: "55" The extra 'garbage' is gone, and we did not have to use all those [!][/!] contexts. Even if the explicit results of a function call are not significant, for example, when the function assigns the result to some global text variable. It is still a good idea to use the [return] context in order to cut down on the amount of white space that my be returned to the client browser. For example:
[function name=add_em_up][text]result=0[/text][loop start=1&end=10][text]result=[math][result]+[index][/math][/text][/loop][text scope=global]result=[result][/text][return][/return] [!] return nothing [/!][/function][add_em_up]result="[result]"Executing the above code, we get:result="55"As mentioned in the first page of this tutorial, the [return] context does not actually 'return' or 'break out' of the function call. So, it is possible to have multiple [return] contexts in a given function definition. For example:
[function name=add_em_up][text]result=0[/text][loop start=1&end=10][text]result=[math][result]+[index][/math][/text][showif [index]Results in... "1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55"The [return] context is also very useful when creating 'recursive' functions (functions that call them selves until a terminating 'base case' is reached).Here is a sample recursive function that calculates the factorial for a given integer.
[function name=factorial][showif [num]>1][return][math][num]*[factorial num=[math][num]-1[/math]][/math][/return][/showif][hideif [num]>1][return]1[/return][/hideif][/function]6! = [factorial num=6]The results...6! = 720 [return]
The [return] context is optional and can only be used from within the [function] context. The [return] context does NOT 'break out' of a function call, so it is possible to use one or more [return] contexts to 'tailor' the functions output.
[function name=add_em_up]
[loop start=1&end=10]
[function name=add_em_up][!]
[/!][loop start=1&end=10][!]
[function name=add_em_up]
[loop start=1&end=10]
[function name=add_em_up]
[loop start=1&end=10]
[text scope=global]result=[result][/text]
[return][/return] [!] return nothing [/!]
[function name=add_em_up]
[loop start=1&end=10]
[showif [index]
[function name=factorial]
[showif [num]>1]
[return][math][num]*[factorial num=[math][num]-1[/math]][/math][/return]
[hideif [num]>1]
6! = [factorial num=6]
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