Sends text to a DDE server program on the local machine.
numero = 287[ddeconnect program=PCAuthorize&topic=GetBatches][ddesend]Tela00001031 1[/ddesend][ddesend]Tela00001031 2[/ddesend][/ddeconnect]In this example, the DDE command "GetBatches from PCAuthorize" is executed, and the results (a listing of all the batch information for batch #1 and batch #2) is displayed. Notice that the whitespace between "Tela00001031" and "1" is actually a tab character, which is part of the PCAuthorize specification.
DDE has complete access to all DDE-aware programs on your web server. You can write a DDE context that can do damage to the machine or retrieve secret information. However, remote visitors to your web site have no way of executing their own DDE contexts remotely. They can only execute DDE commands inside a template file you have saved on your web server's hard disk.
[ddesend]Text of DDE command[/ddesend][ddeconnect program=PCAuthorize&topic=GetBatches]
[ddesend]Tela00001031 1[/ddesend]
[ddesend]Tela00001031 2[/ddesend]
DDE has complete access to all DDE-aware programs on your web server. You can write a DDE context that can do damage to the machine or retrieve secret information. However, remote visitors to your web site have no way of executing their own DDE contexts remotely. They can only execute DDE commands inside a template file you have saved on your web server's hard disk.
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