Lists all the fields in the specified database, SQLResult record set, or SQL table
numero = 203[listdatabases]Fields in database [name]:To display a list of all fields in an SQL table (after a [SQLConnect] context), specify the SQL connection and database table.Example :The "inventory" table has the following fields:
[listfields db=[name]]Fieldname: [fieldname]
[listfields conn_ref=conn1&table=inventory][fieldname]<br><li>ordinal: [ordinal]</li><li>datatype: [datatype]</li><li>allownull: [allownull]</li><li>width: [width]</li><br>[/listfields]To display a list of all fields in a [SQLresult] record set, just include the [listfields] inside of a [SQLresult] context.Example:
[SQLresult result_ref=rs1]The result set from query "select * from employees;" has [numfields] fields:The following tags are available inside a [listfields] context:
[listfields][fieldname]<br><li>ordinal: [ordinal]</li><li>datatype: [datatype]</li><li>allownull: [allownull]</li><li>width: [width]</li><br>[/listfields]
Tag | Description |
[FieldName] | the name of the field. |
[index] | A number from 1 to the total number of fields, indicating this field's index placement in the list. |
The following tags are available when using [listfields] to list SQL fields | |
[ordinal] | Will retrieve the literal position of the current iterated field. |
[datatype] | Will retrieve the named SQL datatype of the current iterated field. |
[allownull] | Returns whether or not (T or F) the current iterated field will accept a null value as a possible entry/value. |
[width] | Will retrieve the maximum length of data the current iterated field will allow. |
Fields in database [name]:
[listfields db=[name]]
Fieldname: [fieldname]
[listfields conn_ref=conn1&table=inventory]
<li>ordinal: [ordinal]</li>
<li>datatype: [datatype]</li>
<li>allownull: [allownull]</li>
<li>width: [width]</li>
[SQLresult result_ref=rs1]
The result set from query "select * from employees;" has [numfields] fields:
<li>ordinal: [ordinal]</li>
<li>datatype: [datatype]</li>
<li>allownull: [allownull]</li>
<li>width: [width]</li>
Tag | Description |
[FieldName] | the name of the field. |
[index] | A number from 1 to the total number of fields, indicating this field's index placement in the list. |
The following tags are available when using [listfields] to list SQL fields | |
[ordinal] | Will retrieve the literal position of the current iterated field. |
[datatype] | Will retrieve the named SQL datatype of the current iterated field. |
[allownull] | Returns whether or not (T or F) the current iterated field will accept a null value as a possible entry/value. |
[width] | Will retrieve the maximum length of data the current iterated field will allow. |
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