The [xslt] Context allows the WebDNA programmer to 'apply' an XSL style sheet to an XML document and thus 'transform' the XML data into any format the programmer desires (usually HTML).
numero = 289[!] First use the [XSL] Context to parse the style sheet [/!][xsl var=xsl_var1]<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"xmlns:xsl=""><xsl:template match="/"><html><body><h2>My CD Collection</h2><table border="1"><tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Title</th><th>Artist</th></tr><xsl:for-each select="CATALOG/CD"><tr><td><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td></tr></xsl:for-each></table></body></html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>[/xsl][xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt]Results... My CD Collection
Title | Artist |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Eros Eros | Ramazzotti |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Red | The Communards |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
[!] build the URL path to this lab folder [/!][text]host=[listmimeheaders name=HOST&exact=F][value][/listmimeheaders][/text][text]path=[url][listpath pathonly=T&path=[thisurl]][name]/[/listpath][/url][/text][xslt xslsource=http://[host]/[path]example1.xsl&xmlsource=http://[host]/[path]example1.xml][/xslt]Results (should be the same as above)... My CD Collection
Title | Artist |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Eros Eros | Ramazzotti |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Red | The Communards |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
[xsl var=xsl_var1]<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"xmlns:xsl=""><xsl:template match="/"><html><body><h2>My CD Collection</h2><table border="1"><tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Title</th><th>Artist</th></tr><xsl:for-each select="CATALOG/CD"><tr><td><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></td><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="PRICE>'10'"><td bgcolor="#ff00ff"><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><td><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></tr></xsl:for-each></table></body></html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>[/xsl][xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt]Results... My CD Collection
Title | Artist |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Eros Eros | Ramazzotti |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Red | The Communards |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
[xsl var=xsl_var1]<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"xmlns:xsl=""><xsl:template match="/"><html><body><h2>My CD Collection</h2><table border="1"><tr bgcolor="#9acd32"><th>Title</th><th>Artist</th></tr><xsl:for-each select="CATALOG/CD"><xsl:sort select="ARTIST"/><tr><td><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></td><td><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td></tr></xsl:for-each></table></body></html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>[/xsl][xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt]Results... My CD Collection
Title | Artist |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Eros | Eros Ramazzotti |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Red | The Communards |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
[xsl var=xsl_var1][!][/!]%5Breplace db=music.db[url]&[/url]eqTITLEdata=[url]&[/url]append=T%5D[!][/!]TITLE=[url]&[/url][!][/!]ARTIST=%5B/replace%5D[/xsl][text]result=[unurl][xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt][/unurl][/text]The XSLT operation produced the following WebDNA code...[result]We then use the interpret context to 'parse' WebDNA code. And use the search context to confirm that the entries where added.
[!]clear out the database entries[/!][delete db=music.db&neTITLEdata=[blank]][interpret][result][/interpret][search db=music.db&neTITLEdata=[blank]]Found [numfound] CD entries in the music database.[founditems][TITLE] - [ARTIST][/founditems][/search][closedatabase db=music.db]Results... The XSLT operation produced the following WebDNA code...
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Empire Burlesque&append=T]TITLE=Empire Burlesque&ARTIST=Bob Dylan[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Hide your heart&append=T]TITLE=Hide your heart&ARTIST=Bonnie Tylor[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Greatest Hits&append=T]TITLE=Greatest Hits&ARTIST=Dolly Parton[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Still got the blues&append=T]TITLE=Still got the blues&ARTIST=Gary More[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Eros&append=T]TITLE=Eros&ARTIST=Eros Ramazzotti[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=One night only&append=T]TITLE=One night only&ARTIST=Bee Gees[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Sylvias Mother&append=T]TITLE=Sylvias Mother&ARTIST=Dr.Hook[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Maggie May&append=T]TITLE=Maggie May&ARTIST=Rod Stewart[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Romanza&append=T]TITLE=Romanza&ARTIST=Andrea Bocelli[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=When a man loves a woman&append=T]TITLE=When a man loves a woman&ARTIST=Percy Sledge[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Black angel&append=T]TITLE=Black angel&ARTIST=Savage Rose[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=1999 Grammy Nominees&append=T]TITLE=1999 Grammy Nominees&ARTIST=Many[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=For the good times&append=T]TITLE=For the good times&ARTIST=Kenny Rogers[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Big Willie style&append=T]TITLE=Big Willie style&ARTIST=Will Smith[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Tupelo Honey&append=T]TITLE=Tupelo Honey&ARTIST=Van Morrison[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Soulsville&append=T]TITLE=Soulsville&ARTIST=Jorn Hoel[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=The very best of&append=T]TITLE=The very best of&ARTIST=Cat Stevens[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Stop&append=T]TITLE=Stop&ARTIST=Sam Brown[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Bridge of Spies&append=T]TITLE=Bridge of Spies&ARTIST=T`Pau[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Private Dancer&append=T]TITLE=Private Dancer&ARTIST=Tina Turner[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Midt om natten&append=T]TITLE=Midt om natten&ARTIST=Kim Larsen[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Pavarotti Gala Concert&append=T]TITLE=Pavarotti Gala Concert&ARTIST=Luciano Pavarotti[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=The dock of the bay&append=T]TITLE=The dock of the bay&ARTIST=Otis Redding[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Picture book&append=T]TITLE=Picture book&ARTIST=Simply Red[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Red&append=T]TITLE=Red&ARTIST=The Communards[/replace][replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Unchain my heart&append=T]TITLE=Unchain my heart&ARTIST=Joe Cocker[/replace]We then use the interpret context to 'parse' WebDNA code. And use the search context to confirm that the entries where added. Found 26 CD entries in the music database.Bridge of Spies - T`PauThe dock of the bay - Otis ReddingBlack angel - Savage RoseThe very best of - Cat StevensUnchain my heart - Joe CockerRomanza - Andrea BocelliMidt om natten - Kim LarsenEros - Eros RamazzottiRed - The CommunardsFor the good times - Kenny RogersSoulsville - Jorn HoelBig Willie style - Will SmithMaggie May - Rod StewartStop - Sam BrownStill got the blues - Gary MorePrivate Dancer - Tina TurnerWhen a man loves a woman - Percy SledgePavarotti Gala Concert - Luciano PavarottiHide your heart - Bonnie TylorPicture book - Simply Red1999 Grammy Nominees - ManyOne night only - Bee GeesEmpire Burlesque - Bob DylanGreatest Hits - Dolly PartonSylvias Mother - Dr.HookTupelo Honey - Van Morrison [xslt xslref=...(or xslsource=...)&xmlsource=][/xslt]
[!] First use the [xsl] Context to parse the style sheet [/!]
[xsl var=xsl_var1]
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<h2>My CD Collection</h2>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
<xsl:for-each select="CATALOG/CD">
<td><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td>
[xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt]
Title | Artist |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Eros Eros | Ramazzotti |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Red | The Communards |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
[!] build the URL path to this lab folder [/!]
[text]host=[listmimeheaders name=HOST&exact=F][value][/listmimeheaders][/text]
[text]path=[url][listpath pathonly=T&path=[thisurl]][name]/[/listpath][/url][/text]
[xslt xslsource=http://[host]/[path]example1.xsl&xmlsource=http://[host]/[path]example1.xml][/xslt]
Title | Artist |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Eros Eros | Ramazzotti |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Red | The Communards |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
[xsl var=xsl_var1]
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<h2>My CD Collection</h2>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
<xsl:for-each select="CATALOG/CD">
<td><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></td>
<xsl:when test="PRICE>'10'">
<td bgcolor="#ff00ff">
<xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td>
[xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt]
Title | Artist |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Eros Eros | Ramazzotti |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Red | The Communards |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
[xsl var=xsl_var1]
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<h2>My CD Collection</h2>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
<xsl:for-each select="CATALOG/CD">
<xsl:sort select="ARTIST"/>
<td><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="ARTIST"/></td>
[xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt]
Title | Artist |
Romanza | Andrea Bocelli |
One night only | Bee Gees |
Empire Burlesque | Bob Dylan |
Hide your heart | Bonnie Tylor |
The very best of | Cat Stevens |
Greatest Hits | Dolly Parton |
Sylvias Mother | Dr.Hook |
Eros | Eros Ramazzotti |
Still got the blues | Gary More |
Unchain my heart | Joe Cocker |
Soulsville | Jorn Hoel |
For the good times | Kenny Rogers |
Midt om natten | Kim Larsen |
Pavarotti Gala Concert | Luciano Pavarotti |
1999 Grammy Nominees | Many |
The dock of the bay | Otis Redding |
When a man loves a woman | Percy Sledge |
Maggie May | Rod Stewart |
Stop | Sam Brown |
Black angel | Savage Rose |
Picture book | Simply Red |
Bridge of Spies | T`Pau |
Red | The Communards |
Private Dancer | Tina Turner |
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison |
Big Willie style | Will Smith |
[xsl var=xsl_var1]
[/!]%5Breplace db=music.db[url]&[/url]eqTITLEdata=[url]&[/url]append=T%5D[!]
[text]result=[unurl][xslt xslref=xsl_var1][include file=example1.xml][/xslt][/unurl][/text]
[!]clear out the database entries[/!]
[delete db=music.db&neTITLEdata=[blank]]
[search db=music.db&neTITLEdata=[blank]]
Found [numfound] CD entries in the music database.
[closedatabase db=music.db]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Empire Burlesque&append=T]TITLE=Empire Burlesque&ARTIST=Bob Dylan[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Hide your heart&append=T]TITLE=Hide your heart&ARTIST=Bonnie Tylor[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Greatest Hits&append=T]TITLE=Greatest Hits&ARTIST=Dolly Parton[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Still got the blues&append=T]TITLE=Still got the blues&ARTIST=Gary More[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Eros&append=T]TITLE=Eros&ARTIST=Eros Ramazzotti[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=One night only&append=T]TITLE=One night only&ARTIST=Bee Gees[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Sylvias Mother&append=T]TITLE=Sylvias Mother&ARTIST=Dr.Hook[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Maggie May&append=T]TITLE=Maggie May&ARTIST=Rod Stewart[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Romanza&append=T]TITLE=Romanza&ARTIST=Andrea Bocelli[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=When a man loves a woman&append=T]TITLE=When a man loves a woman&ARTIST=Percy Sledge[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Black angel&append=T]TITLE=Black angel&ARTIST=Savage Rose[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=1999 Grammy Nominees&append=T]TITLE=1999 Grammy Nominees&ARTIST=Many[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=For the good times&append=T]TITLE=For the good times&ARTIST=Kenny Rogers[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Big Willie style&append=T]TITLE=Big Willie style&ARTIST=Will Smith[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Tupelo Honey&append=T]TITLE=Tupelo Honey&ARTIST=Van Morrison[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Soulsville&append=T]TITLE=Soulsville&ARTIST=Jorn Hoel[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=The very best of&append=T]TITLE=The very best of&ARTIST=Cat Stevens[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Stop&append=T]TITLE=Stop&ARTIST=Sam Brown[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Bridge of Spies&append=T]TITLE=Bridge of Spies&ARTIST=T`Pau[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Private Dancer&append=T]TITLE=Private Dancer&ARTIST=Tina Turner[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Midt om natten&append=T]TITLE=Midt om natten&ARTIST=Kim Larsen[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Pavarotti Gala Concert&append=T]TITLE=Pavarotti Gala Concert&ARTIST=Luciano Pavarotti[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=The dock of the bay&append=T]TITLE=The dock of the bay&ARTIST=Otis Redding[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Picture book&append=T]TITLE=Picture book&ARTIST=Simply Red[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Red&append=T]TITLE=Red&ARTIST=The Communards[/replace]
[replace db=music.db&eqTITLEdata=Unchain my heart&append=T]TITLE=Unchain my heart&ARTIST=Joe Cocker[/replace]
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