Technical References - Alphabetical WebDNA Reference

A list of all WebDNA instructions.

numero = 301
interpreted = N
texte =
[!] comment [addfields] [addlineitem] [append] [appendfile] [array] [authenticate] [boldwords] [browsername] [calcfilecrc32] [capitalize] [cart] [clearlineitems] [closedatabase] [commitdatabase] [convertchars] [convertwords] [cookie] [copyfile] [copyfolder] [countchars] [countwords] [createfolder] [date] [ddeconnect] [ddesend] [delete] [deletefile] [deletefolder] [DOS] [elapsedtime][encrypt] [exclusivelock] [filecompare] [fileinfo] [findstring] [flushcache] [flushdatabases] [format] [formvariables] [founditems] [freememory] [function] [getchars] [getmimeheader] [grep] [hideif] [httpmethod] [if] [then] [else] [include] [input] [interpret] [ipaddress] [lastautonumber] [lineitems] [listchars] [listdatabases] [listfields] [listfiles] [listmimeheaders] [listpath] [listvariables][listwords] [lookup] [loop] [lowercase] [math] [middle] [movefile] [object] [orderfile] [password] [platform] [protect] [purchase] [random] [raw] [redirect] [referrer] [removehtml] [removelineitem] [replace] [replacefounditems] [return] [returnraw] [scope] [search] [sendmail] [setheader] [setlineitem] [setmimeheader] [shell] [showif][shownext] [spawn] [SQL] ( ODBC) [SQLconnect] [SQLdisconnect] [SQLexecute] [SQLinfo] [SQLrelease] [SQLresult] [switch] [case] [table] [tcpconnect] [tcpsend] [text] [thisurl] [time] [unurl] [uppercase] [url] [username] [validcard] [version] [waitforfile] [writefile] [xmlnode] [xmlnodes] [xmlnodesattributes] [xmlparse] [xsl] [xslt]

[!] comment
[if] [then] [else]
[switch] [case]


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